Medical Practice Philosophy

My medical practice philosophy is that it is a privilege and profession. At the core is the trusted relationship with each person I serve. Gerald V. Burke, MD Voorhees New Jersey.

Dr. Gerald Burke’s Medical Practice Philosophy


A privilege and profession

My philosophy and approach to medicine is that the practice of medicine is a privilege and a profession, not a business, birth right or “service industry.”


Trusted relationship

At the core of my medical practice is the relationship between myself and each person that I serve. Each patient is a unique and special individual deserving and receiving the attention that their problems require.


Each office visit is centered on addressing the patients problems and concerns and is not limited by artificial time constraints designed to optimize profits in a managed care environment.

Medical Practice Philosophy of Quality care

The current “business model of medicine” that has become so prevalent today, where doctors are employees of corporations and are referred to as “health care providers” simply serves to dehumanize and disintegrate the doctor-patient relationship and the quality of care.


Substituting “physician extenders”, such as Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician’s Assistants for physicians, and requiring that patients be seen at 12-15 minute intervals, only compromises a patient’s medical care. This is something that I refuse to do.


My promise to you, the patient, it to provide personalized care and attention, to listen to your concerns and provide you the very best healthcare.


Meet Dr. Burke

Gerald V Burke MD Reproductive endocrinologist, infertility and gynecology. Voorhees, NJ

Gerald V. Burke, Reproductive Endocrinologist, Infertility, Gynecology & Other Women's Health Issues. Voorhees, New Jersey

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