Chronic Pelvic Pain

Find relief for your chronic pelvic pain cramps and painful symptoms related to your menstrual cycle, inflammation or other gynecological problems.

Chronic pelvic pain can have many sources. Successfully treating and curing this condition requires determining the exact causes for the pain and addressing each cause individually and completely.


A shotgun approach rarely results in an adequate relief of pain and a return to a normal lifestyle for the individual who suffers from this condition. Putting “bandaids” on the pain by prescribing chronic narcotic therapy and other “chronic pain management” solutions only masks the pain and does not cure it.


Treating chronic pelvic pain

My approach to treating the patient with pelvic pain is an initial, detailed history that includes, but is not limited to:

  • when the pain first began
  • how it has changed with time
  • the exact nature and location
  • the intensity of the pain
  • where the pain radiates
  • what makes the pain better
  • what makes the pain worse

Additional chronic pelvic pain symptoms

  • What are the other symptoms that are associated with the pain?
  • What is the timing of the pain to the menstrual cycle?
  • Are there any other associated symptoms or conditions that the patient feels may be associated with or be contributing to the pain?


Physical examination

After listening to the patient and getting a complete assessment of her symptoms and concerns, I then perform a general physical examination.  This includes a detailed examination of the areas that are involved with the pain.


Initially, I prefer to gather all of this data at a time when the patient is not in pain. This allows a more complete gathering of the historical information regarding the pain while at the same time permits me to establish baseline physical findings.


Evaluating acute episodes of chronic pelvic pain

The second step in successfully evaluating and treating pelvic pain is to assess the patient while she is in her typical pain. This pain does not have to be the most intense, but needs to be of the same nature and in the same location as the routinely experienced pain.


Help for PMS Premenstrual syndrome, symptoms and treatment. Reproductive endocrinologist Gerald V. Burke, Voorhees NJ

Benefits of evaluation during this acute episode of pain

We need to establish that this is the same pain as the patient is experiencing chronically. This is done by taking a detailed history of the current episode of the pain. We then proceed with a focused, detailed physical examination.  This entails an examination of the back, abdomen, pelvic examination, including digital examination, and a vaginal ultrasound.


Following this acute pain evaluation, we generally have a very good idea as to the source of the pain. I then discuss this with the patient and, if required, order further lab and/or X-ray studies that may be useful in confirming the diagnosis.


Evaluation and therapeutic options

When these studies and evaluations are completed, I sit down with the patient and review all the findings. We then discuss the origins of the pain and the therapeutic options to alleviate the pain.


My obligation is to present all of the treatment options openly, fairly, and clearly to the patient. This includes realistic expectations for pain relief with the different treatments. The patient then lets me know how she would like to proceed.


Alleviation or dramatic reduction of the pain

Many years of experience using this approach in the evaluation and treatment of chronic pelvic pain allows me to achieve a high success rate. The patient is then able to resume their normal, happy lifestyle.


Get help for your pelvic pain

I do not believe in putting “bandaids” on the pain with narcotics or “chronic pain management” solutions. Instead, our goal is to cure your pain.


If you are struggling with pelvic pain, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment.


Call to schedule an appointment.

Phone: 856-249-2212

Gerald V. Burke, Reproductive Endocrinologist, Infertility, Gynecology & Other Women's Health Issues. Voorhees, New Jersey


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