Why Isn’t My Acne Getting Better?

Do you wonder, "Why isn't my acne getting better?" Fluctuating hormones can be the reason. Get help from a reproductive endocrinologist. Gerald V. Burke, MD Voorhees, NJ

Why Isn’t My Acne Getting Better?


Do you wonder, “Why isn’t my acne getting better?” Fluctuating hormones can be the reason.


Occasionally a person will consult a dermatologist for treatment of her acne and is disappointed with the results. Despite many months of treatment with several different medications, she never gets fully satisfactory results. There are still the pimples and, even worse, possibly excess hair growth.


The role of hormones in acne

When women experience this, particularly adult women, they frequently have an overproduction of their male hormones, a condition known as an androgen excess.


It may also be labeled as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Syndrome X or Metabolic Syndrome.


No matter the name, until the source of the androgen excess is identified and appropriately treated, the acne and/or hair growth will continue despite the use of dermatologic creams, ointments or pills.


Most dermatologists are not prepared to conduct hormonal studies and administer the indicated treatment.


Evaluation and treatment for acne from a reproductive endocrinologist

While some androgens, or male hormones, are produced through conversion of precursors at other sites, all androgens in women are derived either directly or indirectly from the adrenal glands or the ovaries.


Occasionally, this may be associated with a mild, enzyme defect in one or both of these organs. By first documenting the presence of an androgen excess and then determining the source of the excess, therapy can be tailored to the individual patient’s needs. This assures optimal success.


The ideal person to perform this evaluation and treatment is a reproductive endocrinologist. In this setting, optimal therapy with a resolution of the acne can be expected.


If you struggle with acne and have questions or would like an evaluation, please contact Dr Burke.


Do not hesitate and call now to schedule an appointment.

Call us at 856-429-2212

Gerald V. Burke, Reproductive Endocrinologist, Infertility, Gynecology & Other Women's Health Issues. Voorhees, New Jersey

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Do you wonder, "Why isn't my acne getting better?" Fluctuating hormones can be the reason. Get help from a reproductive endocrinologist. Gerald V. Burke, MD Voorhees, NJ

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